

Drinkstone Hill Walking & Running Route

Drinkstone Hill is a included in the Seven Trigs of Hawick Challenge.

Primarily thought up as a training run taking in the 7 Trig Pillars closest to Hawick, now the challenge has been set to come up with the shortest or quickest route to complete the circuit. 

A circular walk from Hawick, climbs along tarmac roads and onto farmland crossing grass fields to reach one of the seven trig points that surround Hawick. 

Spectacular panoramic views of the Borderland hills, from Ruberslaw round to the Eildons, the hills of the Northumberland National Park and Lake District, as well as the other 6 trig points surrounding Hawick are the reward for the climb up Drinkstone Hill.

A tragic event took place which was connected to Drinkstone Hill took place in the year 1758. The tenant of Saut Ha’ at that time was a Mr Rae, whose wife Janet committed suicide by cutting her throat in the eastern attic. In those days it was custom to bury suicide victims at the dead of night where the laird's lands met, and a stake was driven through the body of the corpse! With the minister away, the authorities allowed “Jenny Saut Ha”, as she was known, to be buried in Wilton Kirkyard (the grassy area off Princes Street today). This was considered by most folk to be an outrage, and the body was disinterred at night, and the coffin placed against the Saut Ha’ door, where Mr Rae was confronted with it the next morning. There was fierce argument between the Kirk and the public, and the body was once more interred in the kirkyard - only to be re-exhumed and fall on the husband when he opened his door the next morning! The authorities yielded, and Jenny found a temporary resting-place at the northernmost corner of Wilton Common (just to the west of Drinkstone Hill); but the minister ultimately returned, and Jenny was finally laid to rest back at the kirkyard – in the area reserved for unchristened babies.

A small detour to an Iron Age Hill fort is well worth the effort on the way home .


Warning: Can we remind you to respect farmers who have livestock in these areas, particularly during the spring when there are newborn lambs and calves. Please ensure all gates are properly closed behind you and that all dogs are kept on a lead.


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Difficulty: Intermediate
Length: 6.99 Miles
Towns: Hawick
Total Ascent (m): 1104.000
Average Time: 2hr 50min
GPX Start Lat. 55° 25' 42" N
GPX Start Lng. 2° 47' 19" W

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